
In order to increase transparency with the community, we will post the financials and board resolutions after each meeting.



  • Spend up to $600 on 10 yards of delivered sharp sand for the winter.
  • Spend up to $600 for excavator to ditch the road near 13610 Crystal Mountain Road (Sajec’s).
  • Spend up to $700 on delivered gravel for the washouts near the Sajec’s.
  • Next meeting will be at Darla Joyner’s, Monday, October 28th at 6:30PM. We will continue to meet on the last Monday of the month at 6:30PM going forward.
There were no changes to the finances since the last meeting.



  • Send an Annual Report to residents in early January with a Year-End update/fundraising letter.
  • Find an independent auditor who will donate an annual review of our books.
  • Discuss culvert installation scheduling and fundraising at the next meeting.
  • Next meeting will be at Darla Joyner’s, Monday, September 30th at 6:30PM. We will continue to meet on the last Monday of the month at 6:30PM going forward.



  • Post Use 4WD sign at the southeast corner of Lisa’s property.
  • Do not change the existing Bylaws.
  • Purchase one load of 1-1/2 inch gravel for sinkholes north of Sandor’s and south of Mountain Top and fix road as soon as possible.
  • Purchase one 18-inch diameter, 20-foot culvert and one load of gravel for Sajec’s segment of road. The road to be fixed in early September.
  • Next meeting will be at a new time and place: Sunday, August 25th at 5PM at Darla Joyner’s.



  • Joakim (Joe) Sandor was approved as Vice President.
  • Approved offering Derek Pawlikowski up to $100 for gas for the recent work he has done on the road.
  • Next meeting will be at a new time: Tuesday, July 30th at 6PM.
There were no changes to our finances since the last meeting.



  • Darla Joyner approved as President.
  • Julia will post to Facebook Groups and Lisa will post to CMR Project email list that we need a Vice President or we will be forced to close.
  • Pause gravel purchase until future of CMR Project is resolved.



  • Darla Joyner should join the board
  • Reimburse Greg $300 for gas spent on work on north CMR.
  • Buy three loads of gravel for work from pavement to Hopkins and for Wubben’s (or on the hill if the roller is available).
  • Try and get Quinn’s roller and John’s water truck for one day to set the gravel, an additional $300-$500.



There were no resolutions at the March meeting.



There were no resolutions at the November meeting or the January meeting. Finances have not changed since the November meeting, so end of year value is represented in the January document.




  • Approved requesting a notarized letter from the sheriff stating that we have the right to work on the road, which the equipment drivers can keep in their vehicles in case residents raise issues.
  • Approved contacting RailLink to request a donation since they are using the road so frequently.
  • Approved putting a load of gravel on CMR where it intersects Clarkston Road.
  • Approved a second load of gravel at Wubben’s section if he approves.
  • Approved removing Teresa from the board even without a letter of resignation.
  • Accepted Doug Crossman’s letter of resignation from the board.
  • Approved Julia Hall joining the board.
  • Approved a “Meet Your Board Members” delivery dinner fundraiser for Wednesday, October 25th,



  • Approved putting Herzog gravel donation on the road near Mountaintop by the end of September.
  • Approved sending fundraising letter to residents and an email blast to subscribers.
  • Approved requesting a new board member.



  • Approved purchase of up to $300 worth of gas for the road work equipment.
  • Approved rental of excavator for the weekend of April 22/23 to install culvert at south end of Rasmussen’s section to divert road water.
  • Approve purchase of up to $100 worth of food to feed volunteers and raise donations from community.



  • Language for donation acknowledgement emails approved.
  • The Rasmussens will allow road water to be diverted across their property. Approved purchase of an additional culvert to implement this.
  • Fundraising event will be end of August at the Rasmussen’s Saloon.



  • Treasurer should look into IRS rules on in-kind donations and reporting forms required for donors.
  • Board members should contact contractors that use Crystal Mountain Road to conduct business for donations.
  • Plan fundraising event for mid-August at the Rasmussen’s Saloon.
  • Create a flyer and purchase a plastic display box for mailbox area.
  • Re-issue reimbursement check for Rich Merrill to replace voided check.


There was no change from November on year-end finances.


  • Plan fundraising event in February



  • File 2021 taxes — $143.25 due.
  • File for 501(c)3 status — $275.



  • Post financials and resolutions on the website after each board meeting.
  • Put up to $800 of gravel onto the road from Rasmussen’s to Clarkston Road.
  • Refresh ditches and patch holes on Teresa’s section of road.
  • Approach Krystal about grading her section of road.
  • Accept Teresa’s resignation from the board.
  • Bring fundraising suggestions to January meeting to plan for spring fundraising event.