Successes, Struggles & Requests


Since 2021, we have raised $5680 from residents, fundraising events and businesses.  All that money has gone toward road upkeep.  Any funds used administratively have been donated by the CMR Project board members.

In that time, we have installed 2 culverts by the Rasmussen’s to reduce flooding on the flats.  We have put down 15 loads of gravel over rough spots, and we have plowed and graded the road as conditions warrant and weather permits.


We are still struggling to work on all sections of the road, as some residents refuse to allow us to do so. Legally, we are allowed to maintain the road, because Crystal Mountain is an easement to all residents and their guests. Still, we do not want to create bad feelings in the community.

We are having difficulty raising funds from residents. Ponderosa Pines subdivision, which contains Crystal Mountain Road, no longer has an HOA. That means there are no dues coming in regularly to finance road repair and maintenance. Everything CMR Project does is possible because some residents see the value and donate funds, time or equipment.


  • Please consider getting involved. We are currently looking for another board member. For more information email [email protected].
  • Please consider donating. Gravel costs money. Fuel for the equipment is expensive. Donations can be claimed as tax deductions.
  • Please be kind to the workers on the road. All their time is volunteered. It makes it much easier for us to keep up the maintenance, if we know that people appreciate it, rather than only being threatened and cursed.